I'll MIND OF HOPSIN 7 released July 18 2014 was to be a goodbye to the american rapper Hopsin. Hopsin posted on social media saying that "ILL MIND 7" was going to be the realest song he had written. This music was released just 2 years after Hopsin declared himself a christian.

ILL MIND 7 simply is less off a conversation and more of a one sided questioning of GOD'S existence by Hopsin. Due to this, controversies has risen on what he really was aiming at. It was later on announced by the rapper in a short video that he quiting rap was not for real and all a joke.

Based on a YouTube interview video, Hopsin explained what he aimed at which not denying that there is a creator but rather if he is the one pulling the strings on what we do and see as right or wrong. He doubted on whether we should believe in a being we have never seen or heard a clean voice of. Whether it be christianity, islamism or whatsoever, Hopsin said in that interview he sees them as gangs and blood cribs. 

Hopsin believed we should focus more on the now and forget when "some book"  say. Comparing it to a cave man not caring to know anything about any "GOD" of some sort and focusing just on survival. He denied the correctness of the "Bible" and people it talked of because he expected to actually see proofs of those things to believe them saying 

     "i ain't heard shit form the horse's mouth"

All because the book was written by a fellow sinful human like him. Hopsin expected the book to be written by some " celestial being" of some sort.

Hopsin thought of all this because he believed "GOD" had not intervened in his life in any way starting from when he was a kid and his parents often fought to when he was struggling to get into the music industry right up to when his baby momma and friends left him. Hopsin believed, if there was a GOD, hr won't have let this happen and believes he is where he was all out of his own doing and not of "GOD'S". 

Hopsin later on sometime later posted in instagram about the dark hole he has fallen into. I think he was referring to the troubles he had put himself into with his ruthless thinking.

      “You guys may ask ‘why take it to social media,’        but you guys are all I got. Since 14, I slaved away for    the music and fan base, and now music is all I have.    That’s just the cards I was dealt. I fell into a dark          hole  that I haven’t been able to get out of. I’m a            master at glorifying my pain, but pain isn’t never     good".

“I’m only writing this right now because it’s making me feel better for the time being. Maybe it is so I can get sorrow. I don’t know. I can’t see myself ever doing it, but I actually wanna literally die".

“Like literally. My funeral would be a blessing for me right now".

Hopsin was going through mental and emotional trauma at that moment in time and felt like suicide was gonna make it go away although he never made the step to "kicking the bucket". He failed to understand then that everything that happens,  happens for a reason and is according to "GOD'S" perfect timing.
